Guardian Scholars

Cal State Fullerton's Guardian Scholars Foster Youth Support Program is committed to supporting current and former foster youth exiting the foster care system. We provide a comprehensive program that contributes to the quality and depth of the student's university experience. We serve as a resource for young adults by assisting in their development and equipping them with the educational and interpersonal skills necessary to become self-supporting, community leaders, role models, and competent professionals in their selected fields. Our services provide holistic guidance and support for student's Academic Goals, Professional Development, and Lifelong Learning.  We seek to enhance student educational goals, degree completion, personal and professional development, and more.

Join Guardian Scholars Today

Guardian Scholars Flyer - Links to accessable document

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Who is Eligible?

CSUF Undergraduate and Graduate students who have been in the foster care system are eligible to apply.

Applicants will be asked to sent a copy of their foster youth verification or ward of court letter to the Center so we can confirm eligibility.

If you need assistance obtaining this documentation you can request if from you social worker, ILP Coordinator, the county you were in care, or the state.

  • You can request a copy online from the state at - in new window  (Click "Contact Us", then from the dropdown select "Verification Request Form") 

Application Open Year Round

The Guardian Scholars Support Services is open year round for applications. Current and prospective CSUF students can apply at any time.

Click below for the Guardian Scholars Foster Youth Program Application.

No deadline to apply

Apply OnlineOpens in new window

Guardian Scholars Services

Educational Support Resources (can include support for  books and supplies, parking pass or bus pass, and technology support), Professional & Personal Development, Community Connections, and more.

Center for Scholars services

Study spaces & supplies, Skill development, Summer experiences for incoming students, Free printing, and more.

Support provided in collaboration

Priority course enrollment, Priority consideration for year round on-campus housing, Counseling and Psychological Services,  On- and off-campus foster youth resources, and more.

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